BARDA Case Study

Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA)

“CMI’s ability to recruit, hire and retain some of the most uniquely experienced and knowledgeable minds in the nation is enhancing BARDA mission success.”

The Challenge

The Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) within the office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) located in Washington, D.C. has a mission to provide medical countermeasures that address the public health medical consequences of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) events, pandemic influenza, and emerging infectious diseases. CMI and its Team Members were charged with providing highly experienced and knowledgeable program managers and subject matter experts with very specific skill sets to support BARDA in its critical mission to the public.

Reaching the Solution

While still a small business, CMI has extraordinarily robust experience and capability to find, hire and retain some of the finest scientific and technical minds in the nation. Working closely with the BARDA staff, CMI quickly learned the details of the BARDA mission to not only understand their requirements for support personnel, but more importantly to understand the underlying mission needs that drove those requirements. This deep understanding of requirements as well as the uniquely demanding and team-oriented culture of BARDA was essential to the efficiency and effectiveness of the CMI staffing plan. Using this understanding of requirements and a strong network of teaming partners, professional associates, consultants and professional recruiters, CMI has been remarkably successful in providing and managing the professional staffing support for BARDA.

The Outcomes

CMI has earned the praise of BARDA leadership in its ability to put forward only the highest quality candidates for evaluation. A detailed and documented vetting process both within the CMI team and the BARDA organization ensures candidates have the required skills and experience. This has allowed BARDA to focus on its critical mission rather than expend valuable internal resources evaluating candidates not suited to the organization.

CMI’s Team Members are working with government scientists and administrators to bring to reality vital medical countermeasures such as cell-based and recombinant influenza vaccines, antiviral and antitoxin products for small pox, anthrax and other biological threats, radiation/nuclear exposure therapeutics, and broad spectrum antimicrobial medications for drug resistant bacteria and viruses.

  • "We have the vision that our products and services will lead to the better health of people around the world through the ethical development and application of software technology, the sciences and engineering while providing value to both our customers and stakeholders."
    – Conceptual